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E.L.L. Resources

Hello Bethel Manor Eagles! 


          I am missing you very much. I included some activities below that you can do at home and I also hope that you will use this time to talk about what you’re reading with your family. I cannot wait until we see each other again. I hope to hear from you soon.

          The boxes below are a round of ELL Bingo! Each box is worth 5 points. How many points will you earn? This webpage is best viewed on a laptop or computer screen.

Keep Reading and Writing and Stay Healthy!

Mrs. Armstrong

Bethel Manor ELL






Make a Venn diagram comparing & contrasting two of your favorite animals.

Read a short book and write a new ending for the story.

Pick an article from National Geographic Kids website, read the article and make a diagram or timeline about the article.

Create a timeline including important things that have happened in your life this school year.  

Write a letter to someone famous.

Design a poster advertising a special event in your life. Include lots of details!

Read a book. For any words you don’t know, create a definition and a drawing to help someone else understand the word.

Write 3 sentences about what you like and write 3 sentences about what you dislike.

Write about a song that you like. Tell me about why that song is important to you.

Complete a puzzle. Take a picture of the completed puzzle.

Choose any book; write a story of what you think it is about based only on the cover.

Practice the reading skills on


Make a list of which games you played.

Make a timeline of events for your day.

Personal read for 20 minutes

Go to:


Make a list of which games you played.

Make a card for a teacher from the school.

Create a math story about your family or your classroom.

Create a character traits map for a book you just read.

Make a map of your house.

Create a bookmark about one of your favorite books.

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